
Lala is undiagnosed
Lala is undiagnosed
Date of Report


Since 6 months of age, the parents noticed that she did not react to sound and had blue eyes. Later, it became apparent to them that she doesn't hear.


Since 6 months of age, the parents noticed that she did not react to sound and had blue eyes. Later, it became apparent to them that she doesn’t hear.

Symptoms / Signs

  • Profound hearing impairment, skin depigmentation, blue eyes, and dystopia canthorum.

Current Treatments

  • No medication

Prior Treatments

  • No medication

Considered treatments

  • No medication

Previously Considered Diagnoses

  • Waardenburg syndrome type I

Genetic Variants of Interest

  • EDN3, EDNRB, MITF, PAX3, SNAI2, and SOX10

Siblings, age & gender

Four sisters and two brothers all unaffected


If this participant sounds like you or someone you know, please contact Wilhelm Foundation at


Lala is a 13-year old girl, born in Bamako, Mali. She loves studying and playing games with friends, and cooking. She brings happiness and joy to her family.

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